Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Hair, Skin, Eyes, and of course...Weight....

For my next topic, I was going to talk about a few noticeable things. Hair, Weight, Skin, and Eyes. However, there is so much to say about all of these things, I will be breaking them down into different topics the next few days. In the meantime, I have some photos to share with you in a timeline sequence, so you can get an idea of what the past few years have done to all of these for me.

The photo above was taken a few months before I was diagnosed in 2010. 

The photo above was taken in October 2010 before I was diagnosed.

The photo above was taken in the winter of 2012, "Remission"

The photo above was spring 2013 "Remission"

1 comment:

  1. Honey you are still beautiful!! You may change on the outside, but on the inside you are always going to be that beautiful daughter, wife and Mother that you have always been. <3
